Tag Archives: bulgur

Five thumbs up!

18 May

I'm on a mission to find the ultimate veggie burger before summer grilling season is here in full swing. I like all kinds of veggie burgers, but I want one I can put on the grill and I want it to give me the same satisfaction as a big, juicy burger. The packaged veggie burgers in the grocery store are over-processed and loaded with sodium…and definitely unappealing in looks and texture!

Last night I made Pecan & Mushroom Burgers from Eating Well magazine. Though they were not grillable (I tried) and they do not mimic the taste of a beef burger, these were outstanding! Very moist, flavorful and really good for the blood pressure. Each burger has 241 mg of potassium and just 282 mg of sodium. 
We put them on kaiser rolls and piled them with all the traditional burger toppings. The kids raved about them. Seriously — how awesome is it when your 5 year old says, "Mom, I LOVE this cheeseburger…especially with the lettuce on it!" Makes me happy.
I served them with (vegan) buttered noodles and fresh strawberries and raspberries on the side. The meal got 5 thumbs up and I dined with smiling faces. 
By the way, the actual recipe calls for one egg, which makes them vegetarian but not vegan. I debated trying to make them with egg replacer, but decided that one egg in a recipe that makes 8 burgers was not worth making a big deal out of. Especially since I used an egg from the dozen we bought at the local farm where the chickens live happy lives.
No, these aren't the ultimate replacement for a beef burger on the grill. But they make for a delicious vegetarian meal. I'm sure this is one we'll make again. You can find the recipe here: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/pecan_mushroom_burgers.html
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